Saturday, August 21, 2010

Venturi Volage

This can be one of the most incredible cars you might have seen recently. Venturi Volage is a fully electric roadster that boasts 295 horsepower and 171 pound-feet of torque. Volage is indeed a head-turner with plenty of unbelievable features such as Active Wheel Technology that empowers each wheel with a significant amount of additional control over the vehicle. This concept is planned for 2012 but because of the impressive looks who doesn’t want to be the driver and master of this unleashed man made wonder. To sum up, Venturi Volage is a wonderfully crafted speed car concept that definitely deserves success and fame.


  1. Actually, the world is wider and wider new technologies are coming day by day and year by year , this car will be one the most incredible Cars the inventors want to produce the next years. They called that This Cars is electric roadster which has 295 horsepower and 171 pound-feet of torque.I think this Car is going to amazing among the developed countries those are trying to invent new technologies so that the people who lives this global will see it .

  2. Although this car has more speed latest technology but I think it will increase lavish expenditure of rich people . it will take more oil and space.

  3. Mohammad Asif Foulad (0823135)Sun Aug 22, 07:07:00 AM

    Heyyyyyyy come on mannnnnn!!!

    This is an electronic car, and also if u see and read the up information it boasts 295 horsepower and 171 pound-feet of torque ... it's also called "THE CAR OF THE DIGITAL ERA". I think such kinds of cars might be very common for the next few years, and honestly we need to use such cars in order to save the environment from pollution and fuel expenses. If u wants to get more information, beside other webs, u can also launch this link to gain more elaboration concerning this future invention which might come out on 2012.

  4. Sorry bro. I got my mistake after getting more information about that car.If it is electric car and move so speedily then absolutely we are looking for it .It is not only free from air pollution but also free from sound pollution. Thank you for your kind information.

  5. Mohammad Asif Foulad (0823135)Sun Aug 22, 08:50:00 AM

    Welcome dear bro!!!

    it's okey... I don't want to blame Ramadan. but, honestly all of us are a bited exhasted these times, coz having to much assingments, tests and quizes. But, overall, as I'm read all your comments, elaboration and way of thinking about future technlogies and it's affect for the next generation was nice and meaningful.

    Keep Moving Toward Sucess And Good Luck

  6. Gunawan (0826565)Sun Aug 22, 12:56:00 PM

    I'm pleased to see this future car picture, showing how elegant she is on road. How captivating (if you ever view before your eyes ^_^).

    Thank you for posting such interesting product. To start with the comment of mine, I don't prefer vehicle which has only 2 seats. Eventhough being attractive, if you have something to enjoy, it's better off to share moment with the closest one such as your family or friends. In this economic situation which still recovering from downturn, many elites will think several times to buy.

    As economic student, I would consider my cost of purchase and the satisfaction I will get. If I do live in a country that hardly provide electric car charging station, then it'd be waste of money. Anyway, I expect a supercar that can park itself, have voice-recognition, and convert my window to be colorful at night so you can prevent harm and accident.

    I'm so glad for having this chance,THNX

  7. Gunawan (0826565)Sun Aug 22, 01:15:00 PM

    Hey does it really has no sound polution? (less noise) I wondered if u drive in contryside or rural area and suddenly an animal or running boys come from the bush and since there has been no sound, you crash it since you were driving like formula 1 drivers. Would you still buy this car?

    The lesson we can take is: This is totally a Fantastic best buy since you can survive from hitting a strong beast. However, if hitting your species, you are taking somebody's life.
    Take time to think before driving supercar in some remote place. Just be careful of your act.

    Fasten seatbelt & safety first, bros!

  8. ABDULAHI HASSAN/ 0927319Sun Aug 22, 07:48:00 PM

    Thans brothers for your comments, let me share with you my idea about this car,this electronic car will magnetize alot of people who interest driving cars.The main advantage for this is saving time, sometimes no need to travel by plane baecause of its speed.

  9. Abdulahi Hassan/ 0927319Sun Aug 22, 08:14:00 PM

    bro gunawan i dont agree you with your last comment, this car is a luxury car no need to drive in land scape because there is no freeway/highway,this will lead to drive less speed then you become fewer comfortable.

  10. Gunawan (0826565)Sun Aug 22, 08:34:00 PM

    Well I was just expressing my own ides, and respect the difference of others' humble opinion. Anyway, thank you so much for giving valuable feedback and your kind attention

  11. phouvanh silaphone(0914013)Tue Aug 24, 09:30:00 PM

    This is the world is wider and wider new technologies are coming day by day and year by year , this car will be one the most incredible Cars the inventors want to produce the next years. They called that This Cars is electric roadster which has 295 horsepower and 171 pound-feet of torque.I think this Car is going to amazing among the developed countries those are trying to invent new technologies so that the people who lives this global will see it.I blieve that,in the 10 years it will become most popular in world.

  12. phouvanh silaphone(0914013)Tue Aug 24, 09:37:00 PM

    This a luxery car wiht new design, it is not like other cars that they are using in this generation. And it has more perwerful and attract people mind, and they will drive on it in the next 10 years.
